Heaven Bound musicians include Dorothy Bollman, Don Weeks, Dave and Doris Todd, and Jim Rannells all of Basin; Alesha and Ashley Dern of Burlington; and Carole Blakeman from Emblem. Together they've come up with a great Country Gospel Sound. Some of their favorites that they've just worked up since their last concert are 'Footsteps', 'Life's a Railway to Heaven', 'One Day at a Time', 'Sanctuary', 'According to They Loving Kindness', and 'Hear the Voice'. According to Carole Blakeman, their unofficial director, they have tons of fun practicing and learning new songs. "We all bring in songs that we think would be good for the group, and we have brought together a lot of music for this concert. We share lots of love and laughter each week during practice. Some of us read music and some don't - several of us play and sing 'by ear' - but we put it all together in the group!"

While Heaven Bound has several songs that they do all together, they also have a wide variety of solos and small groups who "break out" for different songs. To honor Veteran's Day they'll sing patriotic songs with gusto and respect. Also included are some fun songs; there are different pieces for a lot of different tastes. You might even be treated to some "drama"!
The group came into existence in June 2009 when their choir director at the First Baptist Church in Basin suggested that the community needed some small musical groups. He asked Carole to put together a Country Gospel group. The rest is history! Together, Heaven Bound has perfected a Country Gospel sound and group that is very effective. They share their music with lots of diverse groups around the community.
Heaven Bound shares a love of presenting the gospel in country music style. Dave Todd plays 12-string guitar and sings tenor; Doris Todd sings soprano; Dorothy Bollman sings tenor; Jim Rannells plays keyboard and sings bass; Don Weeks sings bass; Alesha Dern plays mandolin and guitar and sings soprano; Ashley Dern plays 6-string guitar and bass guitar and sings alto; and Carole Blakeman plays accordion and sings alto. The group has a large repertoire of Country Gospel and Southern Country Gospel music which is much appreciated by their audiences.

Heaven Bound has played at the Big Horn County Fair, Shell Community Church, First Baptist Basin, Farmer's Market, the 2010 Greybull All-School Reunion, and several Music in the Park engagements.
Heaven Bound's concert on Veteran's Day, Thursday, November 11, at 7 p.m. is free and open to the public with donations appreciated.
The Basin City Arts Center is located in Basin, WY, at 121 South 4 Street. The Basin City Arts Center is a non-profit organization supporting and developing the arts in the Big Horn Basin.
For more information, contact Wendy Taylor at 568-2915.
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