Born on April Fools day Jon Clark was doomed to a life of laughter. His parents started playing pranks on him right from the beginning and Jon soon learned that he didn't care if people were laughing with him or at him, as long as they were laughing.

Jon started his performing career at the age of 12 as a juggler, and has spent his life performing at fairs, festivals, and birthday parties. For the past ten years he has worked as a stand-up comedian.
Telling jokes and singing songs about his life growing up, his five daughters, and his wife of 17 years, Jon's sense of humor is fun, playful, and sometimes a little obscure. He says “I'm not a mean comedian. I don't try to embarrass people in the audience or lambast someone just because their cell phone rings during my show. No one has to be afraid to sit in the front row with me.”

Although his show is “TV clean” it is more of a 9 p.m. TV clean than a 6 p.m. TV clean. “There aren't any swear words in my jokes, but there is innuendo,” Clark says. “I'm not a comedian that tries to 'shock' the audience into laughing. I want them to laugh because the jokes are funny, not crude." Clark says of his set, "It's not a kid friendly show. Not because it's dirty, but because kids won't get any of the jokes. It just wouldn't be that fun for them.” Clark suggests ages 16 and up.
So come enjoy an evening of comedy on Saturday, April 16 at 7 p.m. at the Basin City Arts Center!

Tickets, available at the door, are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, and $5 for children 12 & under. The Basin City Arts Center located at 117 S. 4th Street in Basin, Wyoming, is a nonprofit organization supporting and developing the arts in the Big Horn Basin.
For more information about this event or the arts center contact Wendy Taylor at 568-2915.